
Unemployment Benefit

In the Netherlands, you are insured for unemployment. This is organised in the Unemployment Insurance Act (NL: Werkeloosheidswet (WW)). When you ... 

Clauses, Competition, Relation, and Secrets

‘What does the competition clause entail?’. It is the one clause in the contract that is always vaguely described. An employer and employee agree that after the...

Transition Allowance

 A transition allowance is an allowance an employee can claim from his employer when his contract is not extended cause of the employer. From day one, you have...

Mommies, Daddies, and their rights

Becoming a mom or dad brings plenty of stress on its own, and the last thing you want to worry about is arranging stuff at work. Therefore, this small overview...

Probation period

Throughout the probation period, both you (the employee) and the employer have the option to terminate the contract at any moment without any strings...

Types of leave

Besides maternity leave and holidays, there are other types of leave you need to know. Still, it can be confusing the different types of leave and when what is implacable for your situation. ..

Vacation days

One of the reasons we work is so that we can enjoy a fantastic vacation. However, to enjoy that great vacation, we need to take vacation days. Here are some things you need to know regarding your vacation days. 


There are many different terminologies regarding contracts.  Most people have the definite contract (NL: contract voor bepaalde tijd). This contract states a clear start and end date of the contract.

Before you sign

Starting a new job is very exciting! Nonetheless, it can be daunting to leave your comfort zone and start somewhere new, especially if there is still a matter of the contract that must be discussed. 


You might have heard of the CAO. Employers always refer to the CAO without ever explaining what a CAO is.  I could not stress enough how important it is to read the CAO if there is one applicable to the company you work for.

Good employer and good employee

Perhaps you have already heard about this term, or it might even be written in your contract. It sounds a bit obvious, but we all like to believe we are ‘good’ employees and employers. Then why is it so important to specify this term?