Frequently asked questions


Can I sell my vacation days?

No, you are  not able to sell your lawful vacation days (4 weeks). However, some companies and CAO' s allow it to sell your ' extra' vacation days. NOTE, these are very heavily taxed. For further information, check out the article Vacation Days .


Should my employer provide me with a contract written in English?

Your employer is not obliged to give you a contract written in English. However, in the context of good employer ship, he should. Or at least he should provide you with a clear summary in English of what is stated in your contract.


Can I call in sick for a burn-out?

This is a question I often encounter online. I recommend that everyone contact their doctor when they experience burn-out symptoms. When you call in sick, you do not have to tell your employer the reason. Moreover, he is not allowed to ask what type of illness you have. Shortly after you call in sick, you will be contacted by the company doctor 'Arbo Arts'. With this person, you can discuss your symptoms and the best course of action. So, in short, yes, you can call in sick when you have a burnout.